Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nevaeh's preschool project

Nevaeh brought home this little project for our family to do. It was called "A Family Project" where they wanted the whole family to pitch in and create it. We all helped fix it up pretty (well except for Jarrid, he just doesn't like crafts) We put beads all over it, I made hair bows for its ears, the kids colored it and Nevaeh helped glue everything on. I pasted it to card board to make it more sturdy since it was just paper. I think it is so cute. Nevaeh can't wait to take it to school tomorrow to show it off.

We also had a conference with her teacher today. She said Nevaeh is doing great. She said that Nevaeh is very very shy which was hard for me to believe since she is such a talker here at home. They said they hardly ever hear her speak! Her little class room is so cute. When we went in.. there were little kids laying everywhere on their little mats asleep.

Here is her dragon (I think it is a dragon?)


Crystal said...

I can't believe that Vaeh is shya nd quiet at school either! She is such a lil talker at home.

You just know the child is quiet and wont talk much because she is so in-tuned with her work. She is going to be the next Bill Gates. But a woman Bill Gates. I bet she is really going over the alaphbet in german, russian and spanish when not talking to the others!

Mark my word, she will be a Straight A student and be something HUGE when she grows up. I can just feel it. And I have a little psychic abilities you know.. =)

Call Me tomorrow evening! I've been trying to call you. Call me from 5pm on up! I will be waiting by the phone.