Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Gross out post

Last night my boy cat stayed out all night. When we got up to get the kids to school we found that he had killed a huge pigeon and left it on the street. Jarrid was going to clean it up after he walked the kids to the bus stop. I had my front door open waiting on Nevaeh's little bus to come (it comes right to our house) Nevaeh and I were sitting in the rocker together when Sarafena comes flying in the house and up the stairs with this huge dead pigeon in her mouth!(she also had this sly look on her face, like to say "your not going to get me haha" Oh, YUCK! This is so gross, so stop reading now if you don't want to hear it. The poor bird was hollow in the middle! I start screaming because I can't believe my kitty girl has taken a huge dead bird up to our bedroom! So gross! Bad kitty! Jarrid gets home from walking the kids to the bus and has to go fetch the bird upstairs. Gross Gross Gross! I will never kiss those kitties again! EW!


Crystal said...

eww eww eww!
I CANNOT believe the diva who is Sarafena would carry a dead, gutted bird in her mouth! The nerve!!

Then again, Diva Kia Maria eats her own warm poopies! Go figure!!

Diva's are daring creatures. heheh