Thursday, July 17, 2008

Our Cats

This is Sarafeena, she is the queen kitty of the house. She is five months old.

Queen Sarafeena
Her most favorite things are crawling into plastic bags (we have to watch her about that) and to climb into this tiny basket and be carrried around. She will allow us to carry her around in the basket all over the house, she never tries to get out.
Her favorite place to sit is on top of the fish bowl
She isn't too fond of having her picture taken
We love her a whole lot!

This is Sebastian, he is around 3 months old. He is King kitty of the house.
He loves being outside to play and climb trees. He also loves pestering his sister
until she hisses at him. He doesn't seem to care, he keeps at it.
He also loves to get behind the fish bowl and pretend he is catching the fish
We love our little kitty boy!


Crystal said...

Oh My Gawd! Those pictures sent me into a Cuteness Over-Load! You should have a cuteness over-load advisory on them!!!!

Sarafenna is SO cute! She has grown so much! I didn't know she had that much hair. I haven't seen her in so long. I just about died at the ones of her in the basket. It makes me giggle to think how she loves to be carried around in that tiny basket. hehehehe

Sabastion (I know I didn't spell that right!) is so cute! The picture of him trying to catch the fish is adorable. I can see just by looking at his face that he is a more shy, timid kitty. He has the look of cation on his face. That makes him even cuter!

Now if only you could get them nursing their mommy! Now THAT would be too much to bare! lol! You need to get some of the REAL DIVA queen. Diva Queen Doogie Mahooglie!

Speaking of Diva's, I gave my lil diva Kia Maria a bath today! She stood very still and snorted just like a lil princess. I also cleaned out her house and her baby crib mattriss. Caleb walked her too. She is a happy diva girl now!

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