Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Makenzie is getting better

My poor baby girl has been sick since last Wednesday, she had pneumonia. I took her to the E.R last Thursday and they just kind of brushed us off. Took X-rays, said they couldn't really tell what it was. They didn't give her an anti-biotic or anything. So, by Sunday she was pretty sick, I was getting ready to take her in when the E.R called and said her X-ray was read wrong and that she did have pneumonia! I was pretty upset with them. I mean how can an X-ray change from Thursday to Sunday? By then she was pretty sick. She could hardly even walk for her ribs hurting so bad. We went to the hospital where they ran IVs for awhile of Rosephin I believe. The next day she was feeling a little better and now today she is feeling tons of better! Thank God! She was just sooo sick. Her face was so pale which is not like her. She is usually rosy cheeked. The spark in her eye was gone, she just hung around and slept and of coursed coughed, coughed and coughed.

But, she is getting better and that is all the counts! She is going back to school tomorrow! Now everything can go back to normal.


3LittleFlowers said...

Happy to hear that is getting better!!!

Btw, if you get a chance, I have a giveaway on my blog.....