Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Pictures

Well, Thanksgiving is over for us. It was fun. The food was good, the turkey was so wonderful. My parents let me borrow their turkey roaster which = BEST TURKEY EVER. The kids had fun and we found out that Kade can be fooled that turkey is actually chicken, lol. He ate it. Unbelievable!

Jarrid's eyes have been gleaming over turkey for about a month now. He finally got to have his turkey. He is having a ball. He is in there right now STILL tearing it down. He loves turkey.

It has been fun, here are some pictures. The kids are sweaty because the kitchen and dining room was so HOT!

Turkey in the roaster, almost done!

Yum, FOOD!

Kade enjoying himself

Sissy and Bubby enjoying their food

Sweet Makenzie

Her naughty side

JArrids heaping plate!

The gutted turkey

After the cake!

And lastly.. Shayla enjoying her turkey. We love you baby girl, your birthday has passed this month, you are now 13 years old. I love you more than anything!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hey Romaine!!!

If you are reading this.. can you set up your blog to where I can leave you comments? Would be nice to chat with you online. :-)

For Crystal

I didn't want to post this picture because I look like such a big cow in it. Here is our Aunt Ruth. She is getting ready to get out of a nursing home, she had some health problems at the young age of 52 or 53, but she is doing much better. Yay for Ruth!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Another fun pic I did

Monday, November 17, 2008


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Makenzie is getting better

My poor baby girl has been sick since last Wednesday, she had pneumonia. I took her to the E.R last Thursday and they just kind of brushed us off. Took X-rays, said they couldn't really tell what it was. They didn't give her an anti-biotic or anything. So, by Sunday she was pretty sick, I was getting ready to take her in when the E.R called and said her X-ray was read wrong and that she did have pneumonia! I was pretty upset with them. I mean how can an X-ray change from Thursday to Sunday? By then she was pretty sick. She could hardly even walk for her ribs hurting so bad. We went to the hospital where they ran IVs for awhile of Rosephin I believe. The next day she was feeling a little better and now today she is feeling tons of better! Thank God! She was just sooo sick. Her face was so pale which is not like her. She is usually rosy cheeked. The spark in her eye was gone, she just hung around and slept and of coursed coughed, coughed and coughed.

But, she is getting better and that is all the counts! She is going back to school tomorrow! Now everything can go back to normal.